Shoalhaven Solar Farm Developments

The development of the 3MWac Shoalhaven Solar Farm has commenced in earnest.
Repower Shoalhaven have entered into a Joint Development Agreement with Flow Power (Kin Power Group Pty Ltd) with the latter successfully completing the approvals processes to enable commencement.
The 30 year lease of land from Shoalhaven City Council has been fully paid upfront. The site is adjacent to the Animal Shelter on Nowra Hill Rd, off BTU Road.
Orders for the long delivery items, panels and inverter, have been place. Site works are scheduled to commence in July with operation to commence in November/December 2021.
Repower will launch a capital raising campaign with the aim of raising a maximum of $500,000 from members. A meeting to brief members was held on 21st July 2021. You can read through the presentation here.
​Exciting! Still a lot of work to do. But please watch this space for further updates.