Electrifying Everything

Transitioning to a Low Carbon Economy by Electrifying Everything

Across the country and the globe, the world is stepping up to the challenge of transitioning from fossil fuel generated energy to a low carbon economy powered by renewable and clean energy sources. This is a once in a generation change and it presents a huge opportunity for local communities to benefit economically.

The benefits are staggering if we apply existing technology smartly:

  • Households can save between $2000 and $6000 a year (from a combination of rooftop solar, switching appliances to electric, energy efficiency measures and electric vehicles)
  • Businesses can save up to 30% on their power costs.
  • Keep $millions in the local economy with people using home generated power.
  • New local jobs created created in the Shoalhaven while carbon emissions are significantly reduced.

Refer to the factsheet Electrifying Everything in the Shoalhaven which outlines what households, business, Council and the community can do.

Step by Step Electrification for Households

The good news is that households can save significant running costs AND reduce carbon emissions at the same time by:

  • Replacing old inefficient appliances and increasing the amount of insulation and weather proofing in your home;
  • Converting appliances (cooktops, air conditioning/heating, hot water systems and vehicles) to electricity; and,
  • Powering your energy consumption from renewable energy (solar panels or clean energy retailers).

Note that converting from gas to electricity can reduce the amount of air pollutants in your home as well.

Here is a household Electrification planning tool prepared by Repower Shoalhaven:  Electrifying Guide

There are a huge number of on-line tools to help you work out the savings from appliance upgrades and Electrification including this one from the Climate Council: Bill Savings Simulator

Please go to our Resources page for lots more decision-making tools

Here are two videos of households on their net zero pathways:

* The Neri household - https://youtu.be/tasyuw50PP4

* Harmony Farm - https://youtu.be/MGDFgPUIXGg


We have developed an inspiring ‘road show’ presentation that encourages households to consider ways that they can reduce their carbon footprint AND save money on energy bills! We are targeting community group meetings to make the presentations.

If you are a member of a group that would like to hear how to help take action on reducing carbon emissions, please let us know your group’s contact details (contact@repower.net.au).

The Shoalhaven Electricity Plan

We have created the Shoalhaven Electricity Plan which outlines various actions and targets for a low carbon economy at the local level for electricity generation and usage. 

What is in the Plan?

The emphasis is on what electricity generation and usage might look like in relation to distributed renewable energy - primarily solar photovoltaics (PV) with batteries and electric vehicles (EVs).

Along with our community partners in the ZeroSE alliance, we are setting out a road map on what is needed from community, business and government leaders to lead the way.

In Australia we have the necessary technology and motivation; we need to now act as a community to realise the benefits by electrifying our homes and vehicles and businesses and community facilities by using and building renewable power.

  • Increase current residential rooftop PV installation rate and system size; from 2000 to 2500 installs p.a, ideally with batteries
  • Demonstrate the benefits to existing residential solar users from increasing their system size and adding batteries
  • Increase commercial and industrial installation of rooftop solar from 650 current installations to 3000 by 2030 – a target of 250 p.a.
  • Encourage households to retrofit energy efficient devices and appliances and switch to certified GreenPower with their retailer to use 100% renewable backed electricity
  • Build suitable EV fast-charging facilities and encourage households to change to EVs1 when they need to replace their vehicles and add a home charging device
  • Council to reduce its emissions by 5% pa using a mix of solar, demand management and other technologies, including an EV fleet
  • Build up to 10 Community and or Council solar farms that provide renewable power to the local community

ZeroSE is a citizen’s alliance dedicated to reducing carbon emissions and increasing carbon drawdown in all sectors of the economy to reach net zero in south east NSW.

Using evidence-based research to show how to reach our emissions targets, the aim is to create local jobs and a healthy environment for the future. As in other regions, it’s a response to the policy vacuum in Australia: act now to decarbonise the economy in a way that brings big benefits to the community.

Read XeroSE Press Release (PDF)

Get Involved

Repower Shoalhaven is a community based, not-for-profit social enterprise with over 7 years of developing community based solutions.

Solar Farm

Our largest project to date is a 3MW solar farm in South Nowra which is due to be commissioned in late 2021/early 2022.