For Businesses
Buying Local Clean Energy
In partnership with Flow Power, Repower is actively assisting in marketing the energy generated by the Shoalhaven Solar Farm (SSF). Businesses and institutions with a minimum annual demand of 100MWh/year can support the community-initiated project and receive the benefits of Flow Power’s unique retail offering. Flow Power will package a supply arrangement tailored to your businesses’ energy demand profile.
The supply arrangement can include some or all energy to be sourced from the SSF or can be linked to the spot market. The three primary power purchase options from Flow Power are:
- A Renewable Energy Purchase Agreement with a 1 to 3 year term coupled with Flow Power’s unique Power Active offering which ensures the purchaser is shielded from price rises but can realise savings if the market price declines;
- An Energy Purchase Agreement through the Power Active arrangement which is based on the NSW energy market spot price, again with a shield from price rises but the benefit of any market price decline; or,
- A longer term (7 – 10 years) virtual purchase agreement, referred to as a VGA, with or without Large Generation Certificates (LGCs),with the power coming from a blend of SSF, Bomen solar farm and the Sapphire wind farm.
These offerings include arrangements to manage the price paid, the demand profile and can include maximising the value of existing behind the meter generation such as PV panels.
For further information contact John Clark or Bob Hayward.
Solar + Batteries For Your Business
Immediately improve your cash flow for $0 upfront with a solar and battery system designed by engineers and maintained free of charge.
Commercial and industrial businesses may be reluctant to invest in renewable energy; often this is due to a lack of capital or because it’s too difficult when they are a tenant. Repower is working to make it easier for businesses to go solar and achieve power bill savings and energy efficiencies.
We've formed a partnership with prime delivery partners, Mondo, who offer very competitive power purchase agreements (PPAs) and who rely on local solar providers (EPCs) to quote, install and maintain projects.
Similarly, Repower has partnered with Flow Power (developer and owner of the Shoalhaven Solar Farm) who provide renewable power and demand management solutions. Flow Power also provides rooftop solar systems and PPAs.
Both companies use local solar providers (EPCs) to work with you and supply, install and maintain projects.
Your prime delivery partners support you through the entire life-cycle of sourcing a solar and battery energy system for your business.
Zero dollars!
Mondo and Flow Power provide power purchase agreements (PPAs) that enable customers to get cheaper, cleaner power with no up-front capital cost.
Both Mondo and Flow Power offer energy efficiency and smart monitoring and control solutions that provide opportunities for you to reduce power usage and operate more cost-effectively.
- $0 upfront, low-cost solar energy
- High quality components
- Flexible Power Purchase Agreement terms
- Near real-time energy data visualisation, reporting & alerts
- Clean Energy Council accredited local installation partners
- 24/7 system performance monitoring
- Access to demand response
- Ongoing system support and aftercare
For more information please contact us.