Free Rooftop Solar Assessment Tool Available to Shoalhaven Property Owners
Shoalhaven City Council is providing residents and businesses access to the APVI’s SunSPoT tool (see link below).
SunSPoT is an online mapping tool designed to help home owners and businesses understand the benefits and costs of installing solar panels. You are able to zoom in to a recent aerial photo of a Shoalhaven house/business and drag and drop a solar system area on the roof. The tool analyses such things as roof orientation/slope and provides technical info on a potential solar PV system for that spot. This includes cost estimate of the system, payback period based on average electricity cost for the area (can be overridden with actual electricity billing etc.), estimated solar savings, solar generation curves, etc. It is a simple user-friendly tool to help residents and businesses to analyse their solar PV potential.
Shoalhaven City Council has taken up a subscription to the SunSPoT software application to allow properties in the Shoalhaven LGA access to the mapping and assessment tools. The application is operated by the Australian PV Institute (APVI), a not-for-profit, member-based organisation providing data analysis, reliable and objective information, and collaborative research to support the development and uptake of solar photovoltaics and related technologies (website: